This blog is the beginning of a fork in the road for myself, my husband Jon and our two year old daughter Grace. In the last several months our hearts have been stirred and we feel God is calling us to a greater task then we ever imagined for ourselves. Jon and I both hear God whispering to us that his plan is greater; and to the one that has given us everything how can we say no?
We have recently read two books, one being "Radical" by David Platt and the other "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. The central message in both of these books is to stop living a luke warm Christian life and to find a deeper intimacy with God by serving, reaching, loving, and sacrificing.
After we read those two books which are both in your face, bold and even frightening at times we both realized that it was time to wake up and start living a life full of purpose, and to lead other's to Christ while doing so.
We are ready to start loving and serving all of God's children. This means loving the people who are the least among us. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 25:40 which says : "Whatever you did for the least of my brothers you did for me." That really puts it all into perspective for me. The greatest gift our maker gave us, and the greatest gift we can give one another is LOVE. Love is something our lives are never lacking, and we could not feel more blessed.
I feel like we have finally found the true secret to life. It's all about serving other's and glorifying God by doing so. Not serving because we feel sorry for people, or because it makes us look like such wonderful people. Serving simply because that is what we are ALL called to do, and that is to be the hands and feet of Jesus on a daily basis.
I love in the book Radical where it says something about we as Christians think doing mission work, or becoming missionaries is a calling. The truth is that it is everyone's calling as a follower of Christ. The real calling is where you will serve, and how long you will be there. That is so exciting to me!
We know there will be many challenges and bumps in the road we are about to face, but we could not be more excited to live a life full of passion and purpose. We want to be spriritually and emotionally filled every day of our lives. We want to challenged endlessly, learning and growing with everyday that passes. We hope to be able to share Christ with those who may otherwise never hear his name and to follow a calling God has placed deep within our hearts.
We ask for your continual prayers as we move through this journey. We know it will be full of sacrifice and suffering, but we cannot imagine being called to a greater vision than to love God's people.
Jessica, Jon and Grace