Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tonight I am overwhelmed by God

FAITHFUL. That is what God has been to me. Faithful. Like a good father. There have been things along the way that I didn't like in my life, but that's not important. What has been important is the amazing and beautiful hand of God that has brought me through everything. Through things I didnt know how I would get through. I know there have been times in my life where I have wondered "where was God"... What a silly question that crosses my simple human mind. I feel like it is then that God questions me. Where were you when I created you?

With all of that being said...God has given me a wonderful life in Him. A wonderful life to love and serve Him however He sees fit. He has shown me so much Grace. He has given me a wonderful husband. Wonderful doesn't really do him justice... God has brought me to a church where He is glorified and where the people love Him and His gospel. He has given me amazing support through my family and friends back home. He has given me new friends and relationships here in China that are growing everyday. He has given me a healthy beautiful daughter that brings more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined.

In the past few months he has given me more opportunities to LOVE. I am learning to LOVE the people that are different than me. Love the people that don't know my God. Love the people who know Him, but reject Him. Love the people that are better off than me. Love the people that are worse off than me. Love those who have caused me pain. Love those who don't love me back. Love them through my actions and character.

He has given me a job in this season of my life that I am passionate about. Even through the storms and through the unknowns I am learning to trust. How could I not trust Him with all that he has given me. It doesnt mean that I will always get what I want but it does mean I will get what I need. Tonight I am grateful for so many things.

God is so big and so limitless and he is proving that to me day in and day out. I find peace knowing that if I cry, my tears are all in His hands. I know if I smile He is rejoicing with me. I know if I fail, He loves me all the same and will be there to teach me something from my mistakes. I know if I pray He's listening and if I ask He will answer in His time.

As I write this post my prayer for you all is that you would clearly see each and every one of your blessings. Then as you reflect on those blessings, thank God for them- and then hand them right back to Him. All of them- especially the ones you are most thankful for. Then, sit back and watch. Sit back and be amazed when you completely offer your life to Him- you will have more to be thankful for than ever before.

Tonight I am i am filled with an inexplicable happiness and peace - my daily proof that we are living our purpose in this season of our lives.

Enjoy the little things in life,
for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things.
~Antonio Smith

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