Walter, Ray-Ray (love that name), Julie, Yancey, Snow, and Grace
Snow, Grace, Julie, and another Grace!
Tonight I gave them these "awards" for sitting through English tutoring before they ran into Grace's room to play...As you can see they are pretty stinkin' proud. Grace got one too for being my assistant!
I posted this blurry picture to show you the energy that comes from this group of crazy 5 year olds... this is not for wimps people! Oh and by the way - this was taken last Tuesday night... and YES that cute little guy in the middle named RAY RAY is wearing a cape to English Tutoring. Don't try him, he is not playing around!
Me with Julie - This little girl is HILARIOUS and Such a sweet girl!
Hope you enjoyed the peek into our madness!
Oh MY!!! Definitely laughs and headaches involved with that.