Saturday, January 1, 2011

We welcome 2011, a year of following God's heart.

In the next two weeks we will be stepping over the line of our comfort zones into a world of uncertainty and adversity. On January 18th we will do what feels like the impossible; tell our moms, dads, friends, and family goodbye for an undetermined length of time. It is all becoming so real as we narrow down the to do list, what to pack and so on. I will be honest in saying that most days I am overwhelmed with excitement, and then some days I am scared out of my mind. I have questioned everything. I have spent hours thinking in the shower, driving in the car, lying in bed at night while everyone else sleeps. Praying in bed for hours on end. Some days I don't know if I am coming or going. Some days I dont know what God is doing in our lives or why... but every day I know that his plan is better than mine, and every day I am just so glad that HE is in charge, and not me!

I can't quite wrap my mind around how different our lives will be in this coming year, but I am certain it will be full of change, opportunity, and new relationships. I expect this year to be full of joy, pain, sorrrow, and heartbreak. My prayer is that with each experience I will grow in my faith, making it easier for me to love bigger and better.

In 2011 I want to embrace change as an opportunity to learn just what I am capable of, and on those days when I feel I just can't make it through; I know HE will carry me.

Happy New Year to You All!

God Bless Always,

"In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul." (ps. 94:19)

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    Love your blog and your heart. I have been really transformed by "Radical" and other books like it is well, but I am a long way from actually moving overseas to serve. Blessings to you as you move forward in the work God has for you!
