Okay, let's start off by saying Blue Like Jazz is one of the coolest books I've ever read. Don Miller is such an interesting writer and talks to you as if he's sitting next to you at the dinner table. He talks about faith, church, community, money, worship, love and so much more. Now I will warn you that he is the polar opposite of every right wing conservative, but he speaks from the heart and tells it like he sees it.
He says the most astonishing things. I find myself having to stop and reread things because it sounds like he's speaking directly to my heart. It's awesome. Read it!
I read this book a few years ago and brought it to China so that Jon could read it... We LOVE reading books like this and talking about our thoughts on it and what we each got from it.
I decided to read it again and just wanted to share one of my favorite chapters in this book which is about loving others. The most amazing part of the chapter came at the very end. He pointed out that there are always two conversations going on when we talk to someone: one of words and one between hearts. And to genuinely love others, we have to feel something in our hearts for them, something deep and pure. The last words of the chapter are:
"When I go to meet somebody, I pray that God will help me feel His love for them. I ask God to make it so both conversations, the one from the mouth and the one from the heart, are true."
This is my new prayer as I make new friends in China. I pray that the words that come from my mouth match the actions from my heart.
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