First I want to say that in an effort to shine a light on some of the harsh realities of living in China, I have not done the best job of sharing all that is beautiful and extremely heart warming about this country, the people and their culture.
I am honestly surprised at how much I LOVE it here. I knew that this was the right thing to do in this season of our lives, but I expected the transition period to be much more of a struggle than it has been. I know that without letting God be in total control this would not be such a peaceful transition. He has us right where he wants us, and I could not feel more peaceful about our life right now. I have never once felt intimidated, afraid or unsafe here in China. If anything, I feel like the people here are protective of us because we are Americans, and they are always looking for an opportunity to help our family. I feel this way when we are in the grocery stores, the subways, bus stops, etc. There is just something about the love and kindness we feel from the people here that is refreshing to my soul.
Now that we have settled in we are really embracing all that is different around us; food, culture, language, sights, sounds, smells, adorable chinese kids, sweet chinese people that want to know you and want you to share the TRUTH with them.
Every few days Jon and I take a turn going into the city alone while the other stays with Grace. It is so refreshing and just a time to reflect on what is happening around and within us. Right now the weather is gorgeous and it is so freeing to walk through Shenzhen with the sun shining and the wind blowing. Such an awesome time to open our hearts to God and to absorb these special people. I just love the feeling I get when I walk out of my apartment into this chaotic city. It's as if we are taking another plunge into the world with our arms wide open.
We absolutely LOVE the school we work for. All of the Chinese staff that we work with are Christians. Most days I really can't believe we ended up at this school. God's provision never ceases to amaze me.
I have never had a job that has felt so rewarding. Everyday I see the fruit of my labor as these precious Chinese kids pour out what I taught them the day before. I know that what we are teaching them will empower them to be the brighter future of this nation.
The MAJORITY of the friends and families we meet here want the same things out of life that we want. They want to know TRUTH, they want the BEST for their children, they want their kids to have an education, and they want to enjoy the simple things in life.
We are so grateful for the prayers, encouragement, and contributions that our friends and family have made for us. We know that each one of you has made a sacrifice of your time, your money, and of yourselves. And that is so beautiful.
To EVERYONE who has supported us to bring us to this point ... THANK YOU for taking a risk for the sake of another, thank you for giving without expecting something in return ... and Thank you for letting others see God through you.
I know that this is just a season of our lives. It may not always be us that God chooses to send, so while we are here we will soak up everything because we may not have the opportunity to ever come back. When it is our turn to come home we will passionately support friends and family who choose to step over the line of their comfort zones, and further HIS kingdom.
I pray that this blog will not only give you a look into my heart, but will also shine a light on what is so beautiful about the people of China and the HOPE that I feel for this nation.

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