This morning I was reading Philippians. This was written by Paul while in jail and the common theme is his joy. How could Paul speak of joy while in prison and when didn't know what was next for him? Paul didn't know if he would get out and continue his ministry or if this would end in death. Either way, he was filled with joy because he was serving, and just happy to be used by God. What an amazing example for us, especially right now.
I speak for myself when I say that many times I look for joy by trying to improve my current circumstances. I think we can find happiness in our circumstances, but true Joy is only from the Lord. It can't be taken from you.
I am learning daily that real joy comes from deepening my relationship with Jesus Christ, and pursuing him with all that is within me. Pursuing him also means pursuing others, by serving, loving and empowering. When we try to seek happiness by trying to improve our current circumstances we limit God. His plans are greater than ours. His plan involves US picking up our cross that sometimes won't look like JOY, but in the end will fill us with a joy unspeakable. Your cross may be going on a mission trip, fostering children, volunteering at a homeless shelter, adopting. Whatever it is .. Stop limiting God. Drop your plans. Lose yourself for Him. In the end you will probably find that when you do, you may truly discover who you really are.
We don't know what God has planned for our family and this certainly hasn't been an easy journey so far, but like Paul, we have joy in serving Him and are thankful that we get to be part of anything that brings Him glory.
Whoever seeks to save his life loses it, but whoever loses his life preserves it. -Luke 17:33
Love this post. You have such a big heart Jess. You have true joy, praise the Lord for your position in life, you are so blessed!
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny that I read this post today!! Yesterday was extremely tough and I was feeling really sorry for myself, stressed, etc. My mind was filled with stress about the move and the fear I just couldn't make it work. Then, on the way home from my mom's last night, God spoke to me and it was about Paul. All I could think about was how, here I am, stressed out about something as trivial as moving, and there was Paul, imprisoned and persecuted for years, but filled so much with God's love and obsessed with spreading it to others. It filled my mind all night. My problems were nothing. The way God speaks to us is amazing!!! Thank you for posting this!!! (It's Ashley, by the way, not really John writing this, haha!!!)