We live in Shenzhen, which lies just across the border from Hong Kong. Shenzhen is one of the largest and most modern cities in China. What once was a small fishing port twenty years ago has now become China's first special economic zone, home to the world's largest manufacturing centers and approximately 12 million people.

This is what you call CHINGLISH. There are so many signs around the city that are written in English... however I'm not always sure what they are asking of me.

The Chinese LOVE to practice their English. We were standing in line at McDonalds when the girl behind us said loudly "I wan't a BIG MAC and I want a Strawberry Milkshake" ... Jon turned around because he thought she was talking to him. She looked at him and stated "Oh no I don't want that, I am just practicing my English."
The word maybe starts most sentences - when Chinese speak English and they ask you to do something they always add maybe to the sentence and make it a statement rather than question. "Maybe you go to dinner with us" "Maybe you teach five more classes."
We get stared at by about 95% percent of the people we walk by. It is not rude to stare in China so people will watch you till you pass by and then even turn around on their bikes and motorcycles to continue to watch until the last moment. They LOVE American Children. Especially blonde ones!!!
Here are a few pictures of some of the friends we have made...
I feel so privileged to know these people, they are strong and beautiful souls and I am daily inspired by what they bring to my life.
We are here to serve, we are going to love and we are going to TELL people about the one who we live for. The God of second chances, the God who saves, the God who heals and restores- the one true God.
God Bless,
Jessica, Jon and Grace
Loveeee this post Jess! And I love you more! =) Give Grace big hugs and kisses from K and E!