Monday, February 21, 2011

We need to open our eyes and start looking Jesus in the face ....

Look around you- do you see Jesus?

Each week when we feed our homeless friends I feel God speaking to us about doing more. I can't help but think that if Jesus were amongst these people he would not only bring them dinner, but would sit down and hear their story. I believe he would show them that he is not ashamed to love on them in front of others who may not agree.

It's really easy to play the good samaritan role. We deliver our left overs or sandiwches to these people and then carry on with our evening, heading to the ice cream shop across the street. How easy is it to swallow our pride and sit down with these people and show them love and community. Hear their story, and show them that we are not ashamed to be associated with them.

God loves these people with a love so much greater than what we could ever show them. We are not better than these homeless friends. God doesn't have favorites.

I believe Jesus is in the face of the homeless man living under the bridge … in the neighbor who is going through a divorce … and in the face of the little boy in the foster care system who is HIV+. Do you see him?

Jesus is in the face of the little girl that stands outside of MY high rise apartment ALONE; while the other kids her age are in school, she is begging for money while her mother sits up in her apartment waiting for her to return with today's income.

As I am writing this blog, it just struck me that Jesus was BORN homeless. He did not start life at home or in a hospital. He was born in a stable and his crib was an eating trough for animals. That’s how his life began, as a homeless baby. Really, all the way to the end he was homeless. He did not die at home or in a hospital, being supported by the kind of care that we all expect. I can't think of anything more homeless than being nailed to a cross.

Mercy Me has a song called Blink of an Eye. When I hear the words ..“How can I further your kingdom when I’m so wrapped up in mine?” I am so convicted...

I believe God wants us to take a step further and look deeper into the eyes of those we serve… and I can guarantee you, you will find Jesus there.

When I think of a true servant - Mother Theresa is probably one of the first individuals who come to mind. I believe that is because she took serving to the next level. Mother Theresa said that in each face of the dying, the diseased, the destitute she served- she saw the face of Christ.

Be Blessed,



  1. Hello!

    Beautiful post!

    My sweet friend Brooklyn sent me to your blog. And it couldn't have been more timely! Seriously. I'll be posting sometime on Thursday about it - if you want to know what I mean! So cool. I've been seeking (and seeing!) "Jesus' face" lately... and this post has totally pointed me in the right direction :) I'll be back to read more soon! May you be blessed!

    Have a wonderful day :)

    - Kate
